A twelve month guided and online program, exploring personal and collective evolution through the twelve astrological signs. A contemplative container for astrological learning, attunement and embodiment through the lens of Evolutionary Astrology.

You may join the program at any time, resources and replays of each previous class are available to watch immediately upon enrollment and available for the duration of the year. Encouraged to attend upcoming classes live if possible.

Upcoming classes

Aries Season - March 20th Complete
Taurus Season - 19th April Complete
Gemini Season - Monday May 20th 9 -11am Portland time PDT (UTC-7)
Cancer Season - June 18th 9am -11am Bali, Indonesia time (UTC +8)
Leo Season - July TBA
Virgo Season - August TBA
Libra Season - September TBA
Scorpio Season - October TBA
Sagittarius Season - November TBA
Capricorn Season - December TBA
Aquarius Season - January TBA
Pisces Season - February TBA

The Vision

The {western tropical} astrological new year begins on March 20 when the Sun moves into the cardinal fire sign of Aries. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, igniting spirit into matter. This marks the vernal equinox. Aries energy is birth. Primal, instinctual, raw, and ready.

We begin our 12 month journey here.

Held over 12 monthly sessions we will explore the archetypal and evolutionary journey from sign to sign. Attuning with the pace of nature we will follow the journey of the Sun, letting this natural year long progression guide us through each of the twelve signs, that together, create the evolutionary wheel of the zodiac. This journey can be applied to any progression or cycle as everything in nature is cyclical, evolutionary and creative. Life moves in this spiralling current, as we continually circle back to places, people and experiences in order to learn, integrate and fractal open to life’s evolution.

Astrology is both a cosmic universal language of symbols, as well as an art form of interpretation. What are the heavens communicating? What can we decode and understand about the nature of existence, life and our own souls journey from this higher self-organising intelligence? Each astrological sign {archetype} holds incredible depth, breadth, wisdom, knowledge and creative potential. Each month we will explore the archetypal imprint of the relevant sign, its evolutionary function and intention, its planetary ruler, the house it governs, and where this energy lives in the body and how it wants to express itself.

We will practice our listening, receptiveness, and attunement towards these subtle energies and begin to get curious about where, how and why they they show up in our charts and in our lives. Where does Aries fall in your chart for example? Perhaps it falls across your 4th and 5th houses. What does that mean and how can you work with the energy of Aries to activate those parts of your life? And where does Mars {Aries ruling planet} fall in your chart? What sign is he in, and how can you begin to contemplate, embody and play with this energy in your own life to activate and fulfil his desires {an aspect of you}? Which area of life is most helpful for him to be oriented towards {house}?

My intention with this program is to guide you into deeper contemplation and relationship with your own chart. I hope to empower you with the tools and knowledge to start working and playing with this creative life affirming energy in your own world and way. A devotion to growth, change and evolution is at the core of my work.

Astrology is a bridge that helps us to be in deeper relationship with the language of our soul. It is a lens to help us understand both the personal and the collective. What are our personal gifts and challenges, what unique energies were we born to work with and what kinds of experiences are most helpful for our growth and evolution? And how do we weave this into the fabric of our communities, remaining receptive and responsive to the collective temperature and current times. Our personal planetary placements are not random, we were born with particular and unique configurations with intention. Astrology can offer meaningful insight, validation, direction and purpose as we attune with, move with and co-create with the infinite mystery.

  • At the transition of each astrological sign {every 30 days} we will gather online to enter the new season with intention, awareness and an open curiosity.
    We will explore:

    • The wheel of the zodiac as a continual cyclical intelligent journey of growth and evolution

    • The relevant seasons astrological family {sign, its ruling planet, governing house}

    • Practical tools on how to apply this knowledge to your own chart

    • The signs as nonhierarchical, with no head of the circle

    • Astrological signs governing different parts of the body

    • Each signs unique evolutionary gifts and intentions as we move through in real time

    • The planetary forces as different psychological and embodied functions living within the human psyche and body. These having specific intentions, desires and purposes

    • The astrological houses and their meaning

    • Different planet, sign, house {character, costume, stage} examples and interpretations

    • The astrological elements {fire, earth, air, water} and their evolutionary function

    • The astrological modalities {cardinal, fixed, mutable} and their evolutionary function

    • Basic astronomy and mechanics of a chart

    • The most important current transits and guidance on how to work with them

    • Astrology as a language, lens and tool for self awareness, self empowerment, healing and growth

    • Astrology as an embodiment practice

    • Evolutionary astrology as soul work

I’d like to give thanks and gratitude to my Evolutionary Astrology teachers, primarily Steven Forrest, and acknowledge the lineage of astrologers and teachers that have walked before me, for providing the wealth of knowledge I have learnt from over the past four years in this field, which forms the basis of what I will be sharing in this program. Working with this as my foundation, I will also draw inspiration and wisdom from my own life experience, transmissions and intuitions.

The Archetypal Journey Full Program
One time
For 12 months

Prices are in AUD

✓ 1 x monthly 2 hour Live Group Session via Zoom for 12 months
✓ Written PDF guidebook and transmission for each sign
✓ Anytime access to all class recordings, PDF's and content
✓ Bonus access to my 2 hour Introduction to Evolutionary class
✓ Certificate of completion

Collage art by Elle King-Turner
For any questions, please email me here