Hi friends

I hope this reaches you all well and tended to in this currently heavy world. Astrology continues to provide me with context, meaning and a greater awareness of the cycles and experiences happening down here on earth, not only for myself but for us collectively. Astrology therefore becomes a mirror. The sky, our great teacher. This cyclical intelligence offers insight, wisdom and opportunities for greater understanding, healing, growth and a way forward. 

Last week we had the sun move into scorpio, joining mercury and mars all in the early degrees. A scorpio stellium (three or more planets together) is intense, penetrating, revealing and truth telling. I think we could all feel that. Mercury here wants to dig deeper with information. Moving much deeper than anything surface level, with a desire to swim down to the bottom of the lake to uncover and expose what was once hidden, revealing the truth. That is the function and essence of Scorpio. To make the unconscious conscious. Mercury is seeking the truth, probing deeper into the truth and speaking the truth. 

Mars, also in scorpio, a few degrees ahead is also asserting a deeper investigation into the truth and into the depths of our unprocessed emotions and shadows. Mars is the warrior, the god of war. The instinct in us that wants to fight for what we believe in. Defend what is weak or indefensible. The energy that gets us out of bed in the morning. Mars can be angry, violent even if expressed unconsciously. Channeling this primal energy into feeling the depths of our emotions and releasing them in a healthy way is key. Scorpio is about depth of feeling, mars here wants to investigate, bravely shine the torch into the unseen, untouched parts of ourselves to find the root of the suffering, the root of the pain. And to feel it. Release it. Physically release it.

As of a few days ago, we also just wrapped up ECLIPSE SEASON and the last of any taurus /scorpio eclipses for some time. 18 years to be exact. I spent my afternoon laying in the grass and in true Taurus fashion, connecting with the earth and my body.

So what exactly are Eclipses and what was this one in Taurus all about?

Eclipses happen roughly every 6 months and they are collectively fkn massive times. They mark a period of a two week window or portal between a new moon solar eclipse (we had in libra oct 14) and a full moon lunar eclipse (just completed sunday oct 29) 

Eclipses happen when the earth, sun and moon form the most direct line they can with each other in their individual orbits, eclipsing either the sun or the moon, depending on where we’re at in the lunar cycle. This direct alignment and suspending darkness creates an incredibly strong energetic flow and opportunity; where the medicine, codes and energetics of that particular sign /archetype behind the eclipsed celestial body has a chance to stream and rush into the earth and subsequently our hearts, bodies and psyches in a way that it normally otherwise wouldn’t.

Thats why eclipses are such potent times. Feelings of overwhelm, intensity, irritability, uncertainty etc are all heightened during this two week eclipse portal. The nodes of the moon are incredibly sensitive karmic points. Emotions and sensitivities become heightened. The karma has ripened. 

The current times are undoubtedly heavy, penetrating, truth revealing and complex. We had the sun opposing this full moon in scorpio, alongside mercury and mars forming this intense, somewhat aggressive, scorpio stellium as mentioned. Taurus is fixed earth, meaning the illumination was in the material realm, more specifically within our bodies. Taurus invites us into the simplicity, sensuality and somatic experience of life. The bull connects us to the primal animal inside of us, which is instinctual and body based. Our bodies are finely tuned instruments, the invitation is to connect, listen and respond to the intelligence of your body.

The south node in libra calls for justice. And the need to investigate, probe, speak for, fight for truth is strong right now. Taurus firmly sits at the other end of the table, saying yes, and… How are we also feeling? Not necessarily emotionally (scorpio) but somatically? And what do our bodies need right now? And can we hold both pain and pleasure? Complexity and simplicity? Death and life? This is the scorpio taurus axis. 

If possible, spend time communing with nature over these next few days, the simple and sacred gifts of taurus will find their ways to you through the quiet moments, a whisper in the wind, the gentle caress of a leaf. Or the tender arms of a friend holding you in the flesh. A pomegranate or a dove. Let the trees help hold what is too heavy for you to hold. We are momentarily coming up for air from deep diving into scorpio’s waters and are being asked to find some pockets of peace. And being reminded that we cannot pour from an empty cup.

It’s also a great time to do some cord cutting around anything that drains your energy as we’re working with dynamics of power, internal and external. Sudden things can leave or enter our lives. The intention is to allow. Trust that whatever arose, purged, visited, came or left over the past two weeks had medicine and gifts to share with you.

We’ve just collectively been in a bit of karmic reshuffling the past two weeks. Clarity, insight and integration can now occur. 

If you would like some personal astrological support, guidance and integration with me, I would love to support you. I’m here for any and all astrological support, please just specify on the intake form upon booking. My training and practice is oriented towards astrological counselling. 

I have also recently added a session option for returning clients at a slightly lower price - as I know some of you would like to go deeper. It is scorpio season after all. These sessions are a bit cheaper only because the hour or so I normally spend acquainting myself with your chart prior to meeting is already complete.

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With love and warmth,


AQUARIUS FULL MOON: Freedom, Liberation and Authentic Self Expression