AQUARIUS FULL MOON: Freedom, Liberation and Authentic Self Expression

Hi beauties

I hope this reaches you all well and healthy. How was the recent full moon!? I feel like I’ve literally swung from one polarity to the other in the past 24 hours. Full moons indeed heighten our emotions. We know the moon’s orbit impacts the water here on earth, as we see with our oceans and the tides. It is the same in our bodies. In astrology, water represents our emotions. The water signs of cancer, scorpio and pisces all correspond to different developmental stages of emotional feeling, integration, healing and renewal. The moon is a water planet (ruled by Cancer) so attuning and harmonising with the lunar cycle (despite what sign she is in) is an opportunity to attune and harmonise with our very human emotional experience.

Full moons occur every 29.5 days and yesterdays full moon went exact at 2:31am bali time on the 2nd of July in the rebellious, revolutionary and eccentric air sign of Aquarius. The theme of this full moon was all about authenticity, personal freedom and liberating self-expression. More on this in a moment.

When the moon is being fully illuminated (from the perspective of earth) this means something is also revealing itself to us in its fullness, in its totality. It’s bright, it’s bold and oftentimes, it can be emotionally uncomfortable because something is being illuminated that may need deeper and further integration. We can look to the polarity point of the suns position to give us more clues. This is what I love about astrology. It really is a language and a lens to mirror /reflect what is going down here on earth. As above, so below. It offers perspective and asks questions that can lead to deeper self awareness, interconnectivity, soul growth and healing.

Personally, what illuminated itself to me during this full moon was such a heightened sense and feeling of where I have been hiding, dimming my light and not showing up in my authentic self expression out of fear of rejection, not trusting myself and essentially being afraid. Late last night this all came to a head and I gruntled and screamed into my pillow (which was a good release!) out of the frustration and intensity I was feeling. Seemingly out of nowhere! Followed shortly after by a stroll down to the ice cream shop to get some pistachio gelato ;)

My point is, I felt intense. I was being shown something that needed further integration through my emotionality. Full moon medicine. My emotions and my courage to lean into feeling those emotions is what provided the medicine I needed to move forward. And today I have felt a massive shift.

As mentioned, the theme of this full moon was all about authenticity, personal freedom and liberating self expression. Liberation from the need of approval, doing your thing regardless of what others say or think. Aquarius energy does not give a fuck. Unlike its opposing sign, Leo, it doesn’t seek approval, applause or validation as it deals with non attachment. It quite likes being a weirdo and on the outside anyway. Thats where the brilliant ideas are.

So in the light of Aquarius, I was actually being shown where I wasn’t being in my full authentic self expression, out of fear. Where I was being too in my head. Too emotionally attached to what others thought. Essentially my Aquarian energy was out of balance. And whenever that happens, we always look to the polarity point for the medicine, in this case, Leo. During full moons, this is always the position of the sun (the vitality and light).

The light of Aquarius was shining its essence on me and the medicine of Leo was asking to be integrated. A bridge was needing to be built between the head (aquarius) and the heart (leo). Too much Aquarius can be a head on a stick. Air castles in the sky. The medicine of Leo teaches us to come into the body, into the heart and into love. To come be with the living, loving, playful. Being our most authentic unique selves (aquarius) oftentimes requires courage and bravery which is where the medicine of leo comes in. As courage and bravery to be ourselves are both found in the wellsprings of our hearts.

This is the shift I felt today. What was revealed was where I was holding back in my authenticity and self expression. Where I was caring too much about what others thought of me. Aquarius teaches us non attachment. So there has been some healing in the letting go of this today. And the medicine found in the polarity point of Leo was asking me for more bravery, more courage, more spontaneous self expression, more fun. Less being afraid and more being in the heart of the playful, childlike expression of the lion. I hope this sheds some light on the magic, mystery and richness of astrology as felt through my embodied experience. Full moon blessings everyone!

What did this full moon illuminate to you?


