Hi Friends

I hope this reaches you all well and in good health. Earlier this week on July 17, the north node entered Aries along with the south node moving into Libra. A shift of the nodal axis happens every 18 months which means a big shift for us collectively. Aries energy is cardinal fire, go getter, unapologetically claiming our needs, wants and desires (healthy approach to aries north node). We are purging collective shadows of codependency, politeness, resentments and relational dynamics where we are giving our power away (south node libra shadow). The time is now to forge ahead and claim your independence and know you are worthy of doing the things that set your heart on fire, releasing any need for approval, validation or consent from the other. 

Today the Sun moves into the fiery, creative and self expressive sign of Leo, the king of the jungle, ushering us into Leo season. Leo energy loves to be seen, to be adored and to be celebrated for its unique authentic expression. We’re closing the door on Cancer season, which was a time of emotional integration, tenderness and feeling. Necessary. However, a new door is opening today into the bright and loving light of Leo. But hold your horses. We also have Venus (the goddess of love, relationships, beauty and aesthetics) stationing retrograde in Leo on this very same day. 

This is significant for a few reasons. Venus is Libra’s ruling planet and with the nodal shift we just witnessed (south node entering Libra) Venus’ movements become an important and highlighted player in our collective karma. Relational dynamics that are rooted in codependency or an unhealthy ‘need’ of the other persons approval or consent will become highlighted. Also because Venus is moving retrograde in the sign of Leo, we are being asked to review, reassess and reflect on where we may be looking outside of ourselves for this external applause or validation that Leo so dearly loves, but could potentially be seeking or attaining in unhealthy ways.

Can we hold the light onto our own consciousness and ask if we are acting or performing in ways that aren’t necessarily authentic but somehow we’ve learnt they give us applause? Where do we perhaps need to become more of our own lover? Instead of seeking that love outside of ourselves. Can we burn bright and authentically in the face of others rejections or disapprovals? Can we truly celebrate ourselves? Can we connect deeply to our own burning desires, our own creative impulses and become our own personal cheerleader to bring them forth into the world. Leo energy thrives on play, joy and spontaneity so orienting yourself towards whatever naturally feels fun is key, whilst remaining conscious and aware of where we may be performing or seeking approval or applause unconsciously. 

Venus also symbolises what we deem valuable, so pay attention to any shifts in your perspective around your values, especially in the realm of relationships.

This can be an exciting time where we can claim more of our independence, go after our desires unapologetically and find more emotional freedom through the process of healing our unhealthy or imbalanced relationships.


AQUARIUS FULL MOON: Freedom, Liberation and Authentic Self Expression


Sailing in Spain & Portugal